Active and Passive Voice – Exercises

Active voice is to be when the subject is the doer of the action. A verb is in the passive voice when the subject does not perform the action.

Active and Passive Voice Exercises

Q. Use active/passive form of the verb given in the bracket :

  1. Speed restrictions and highway codes _____________ (design) to protect us.
  2. Multitasking- makeup; messaging and making/attending phone calls _____________ (avoid).
  3. Appropriate distance from other vehicles _____________ (maintain).
  4. On a two wheeler you _____________ (ensure) to fix the helmet strap.
  5. If you are tired, _____________ (avoid) driving.
  6. Other road users _____________ (observe) and _____________ (anticipate).
  7. You _____________ (fine) for overloading. So, do not exceed the number of passengers allowed to travel in your vehicle.


  1. are designed
  2. must be avoided
  3. should be maintained
  4. must ensure
  5. avoid
  6. should be observed; anticipated
  7. can be fined

Q. Change the voice in the following sentences:

  1. The grandmother fed the dogs every day.
  2. The sparrows haven’t eaten the crumbs.
  3. The people of Egypt love the pharaoh.
  4. Sue showed bravery in crisis.
  5. Teaching of moral values increases the value of schooling.
  6. Aram was not riding the horse in the beginning.
  7. Taplow is waiting for Mr. Crocker Harris.
  8. Virginia had helped the ghost.
  9. The shopkeeper didn’t give me the bill of purchase.
  10. Ratna hadn’t noticed Ranga.


  1. The dogs were fed by the grandmother every day.
  2. Crumbs haven’t been eaten by the sparrows.
  3. The pharaoh is loved by the people of Egypt.
  4. Bravery was shown by sue in crisis.
  5. The value of schooling is increased by teaching of moral values.
  6. The horse was not being ridden by Aram in the beginning.
  7. Mr. Crocker Harris is being waited for by Taplow.
  8. The ghost had been helped by Virginia.
  9. The bill of purchase was not given to me by the shopkeeper.
  10. Ranga hadn’t been noticed by Ratna.

Q. Complete the following sentences using appropriate active or passive verb forms. Choose your answers from the given options.

  1. The problem _____________ to the children. (explained/ was explained)
  2. Those pyramids _____________ around 400 AD. (built/ were built)
  3. All the trouble _____________ by your mother. (has caused/ was caused)
  4. The visitors _____________ (were shown/ have shown) a collection of old manuscripts.
  5. I _____________ him ten thousand pounds last year. (lend/ lent/ was lent)
  6. She _____________ of spiders. (frightened/ is frightened)
  7. That picture _____________ by my grandmother. (painted/ was painted)
  8. I _____________ by his attitude. (shocked/ have shocked/ was shocked)
  9. Excuse the mess. The house _____________ (is painting/ is being painted/ has painted)
  10. I knew why I _____________ (had chosen/ had been chosen)


  1. The problem was explained to the children.
  2. Those pyramids were built around 400 AD.
  3. All the trouble was caused by your mother.
  4. The visitors were shown a collection of old manuscripts.
  5. I lent him ten thousand pounds last year.
  6. She is frightened of spiders.
  7. That picture was painted by my grandmother.
  8. I was shocked by his attitude.
  9. Excuse the mess. The house is being painted.
  10. I knew why I had been chosen.

Q. Change the Voices of the Verbs in the following Sentences.

  1. Who did the job?
  2. Can you break the door?
  3. Will she sing a song?
  4. Is he speaking English?
  5. Are you eating a banana?
  6. Why are you washing the car?
  7. When will he give the money?
  8. Where will he met you?
  9. How do you make a cake?
  10. Whom did you tell the story?


  1. By whom was the job done?
  2. Can the door be broken by you?
  3. Will a song be sung by her?
  4. Is English being spoken by him?
  5. Is a banana being eaten by you?
  6. Why is the car being washed by you?
  7. When will the money be given by him?
  8. Where will you be met by him?
  9. How is a cake made by you?
  10. To whom was the story told by you?

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