Article on What You Think of College Life

Within a few months you will be joining a college. How do you look at college life? Is it freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned home work. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career? Write an article in 150–200 words on what you think of college life.

College Life – Freedom or Responsibilities

by Rohan

Within a few months, we will be joining a college. The anticipation of how life will be, is probably filling the air around every eighteen year old with excitement.

How do you think, the college life will be? How do you look at it? Would it be freedom from strict discipline imposed on you by the school? A carefree life with no worries of completing assigned homework. Or, is it the beginning of responsible preparation for a brilliant career?

In college, we shall have the freedom to work at our own pace. There will be no homework. There will be assignments. But, we shall not have to turn it in the very next day. There will be no dictates, uniforms or punishments. However, college means extra responsibilities.

No one will force us to study every day and constantly nag us about our scores. But, being in college means that we are responsible enough to study on our own, work towards our career and prepare for the competitive, real world out there.

In college life, unlike school life, the stress is more on self-reliance and zero spoon-feeding. When in college, we would have the freedom to choose what we study and how we study. It would give us a sneak-peek into the dream career that awaits us. Therefore, we have to make wise choices.

I think, college life would be a mixed bag of fun, freedom, experiments and responsibilities. It will contain new hopes and aspirations, new joys and disappointments and new friends.

Those wiser than us say that college days are the best days of one’s life. The decisions we make now shape up our future.

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