Desert Animals – Important Questions

Important Question and Answers

Q. How do snakes hear?

Ans. Most snakes hear through vibrations in the ground. If a person walks nearby, the snake can feel the movement.

Q. How do desert animals survive without water?

Ans. The desert animals find different ways to get and store water needed for their survival.

Q. Write about two different kinds of camels?

Ans. The two different kinds of camel are the Dromedary, which has a single hump and the Bactrian camel, which has two humps.

Q. What do rattle snakes eat?

Ans. Rattle snakes kill their prey with poison. They feed on a variety of prey like rats, mice, chipmunks and other small animals.

Q. What helps the mongoose in fighting the snakes?

Ans. The mongooses make swift movement to get out of the snake’s attack. So they remain unhurt.

Q. Where do we find the rattlesnakes in the world?

Ans. We find in the rattlesnakes, very dangerous snake, across the American continent from Canada in North America to Argentina in South America.

Q. How do mongooses warn one another of danger?

Ans. Mongooses warn each other of danger with a special alarm call if they see any predator.

Q. What is the remarkable feature of a Camel’s mouth?

Ans. The most remarkable feature of a Camel’s mouth is its toughness. No thorn can pierce through its tongue and lips.

Q. How do the camels use their hump?

Ans. Camels use their hump which is like a storage container to survive in the desert. They store fats and nourish them when there is scarcity of food.

Q. How does the coat of camels change with weather?

Ans. Camels have long shaggy winter coats to keep them warm and shorter, neater coats in summer to keep cool.

Q. How and what do the snakes eat?

Ans. The snakes are unique creatures in eating. They swallow their prey as a whole. They feed on a variety of prey, including mice, voles, rats, chipmunks and other small animals. Some snakes eat more than once a week.

Q. What is your opinion on whether the snakes hear or not? Support your answer with facts.

Ans. No, the shakes do not hear at all. They only feel vibrations in the ground. If a person walks near to the snakes, it can feel the movement of footsteps. But if the same person shouts, it does not hear.

Q. What do you know about rattlesnakes?

Ans. Rattlesnakes are very poisonous and dangerous snakes. Their frightening rattle can be heard as far as 30 m away and they have lightning speed to strike their enemies or prey. They hold their tails upright and rattle the end whenever it is disturbed by any one

Q. What do you know about the hunting of the mongooses?

Ans. The mongooses always like to hunt together in group and keep looking continuously for dangerous predators near them. They move in groups and remain in touch with one another by calling and twittering.

Q. What do you know about a desert? How do animals survive there?

Ans. It is very difficult to survive in deserts as they are the driest places on Earth and they remain without rain for months, sometimes even for years. The animals living in deserts adapt themselves to cope with the harsh conditions. Gerbils spend the hottest part of the day in cool underground burrows to maintain their body temperature. Beetles catch drops of moisture through their legs and consume them. Camels get moisture from desert plants and can survive for a long time without drinking water. Their humps help them to survive in deserts in which they store fat and consume it whenever required.

Q. What do you know about the habits of mongooses? (VBQ)

Ans. Mongooses are very unique creatures which are very amusing animals to watch. They hunt together, keeping in touch with one another by twittering and calling. They have a unique quality to warn one another with a special alarm call if they spot anything suspicious. The little ones of mongooses are brought up by the whole group, not by parents only. They are very active to kill snakes without getting hurt. Their movements are so fast that they can fight with snakes. They make continuous attempts to fight snakes and kill them when they get tried. They are small but very active creatures.

Q. How mongooses bring up their young ones?

Ans. All the female mongooses have their kittens nearly at the same time. They make their den inside an old termite mount or hollow log. The whole group helps to raise the kittens. One or two adults stay back to guard the den while most of them go out in search of food.

Q. The life of camels in the desert.

Ans. Camels are adapted to live in the desert. They have long feet. They live in groups. They have long shaggy coats for harsh winters and shorter coats for summer. They fill their stomach with water which they fill by drinking about thirty gallons in ten minutes. They can survive without drinking water for up to ten months. They store excess food as fat in their hump which they use when food is not easily available. Their mouths are so tough that they can easily eat thorny plants.

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