Feminine Gender – Exercises

The names of female animals or persons are said to be of the Feminine Gender.

Feminine Gender Exercises

Q. Give the feminine of the following:

  1. Man
  2. He-bear
  3. Tailor
  4. Peacock
  5. King
  6. Son
  7. Master
  8. Grandfather
  9. Husband
  10. Mr.


  1. Woman
  2. She-bear
  3. Tailoress
  4. Peahen
  5. Queen
  6. Daughter
  7. Mistress
  8. Grandmother
  9. Wife
  10. Mrs.

Q. Give the feminine of the following:

  1. Tiger
  2. Host
  3. Drake
  4. Lion
  5. Hero
  6. Cock-sparrow
  7. Cock
  8. God
  9. Milkman
  10. Landlord


  1. Tigress
  2. Hostess
  3. Duck
  4. Lioness
  5. Heroine
  6. Hen-sparrow
  7. Hen
  8. Goddess
  9. Milkmaid
  10. Landlady

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