Gap Filling Exercises for Class 9

Fill in the Blanks

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

Eating (1) ________ skipping breakfast makes a huge difference. Our grandparents have always said that one (2) ________ have breakfast like a king. Doctors and nutritionists say that skipping breakfast can result (3) ________ radical health issues like weight gain or loss. On the other hand, a sumptuous nutritious breakfast every day can go a long way to get a healthy mind and (4) ________ healthy body.


  1. and / but / either / or
  2. must / should / may / would
  3. from / in / into / towards
  4. the / no article / a / an


  1. or
  2. should
  3. into
  4. a

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow:

I (1) ________ not climb the staircase anymore as I was totally spent out (2) ________ running relentless to save my life from (3) ________ creature which looked like (4) ________ Yeti.


  1. did / could / might / had
  2. from / on / against / over
  3. those / which / that / this
  4. a / the / an / none of these


  1. could
  2. from
  3. that
  4. a

Q. Read the sentences given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

She (1) ________ read 300 words per minute which is more than the average reading speed. It’s a wonder. A group of teachers (2) ________ critical about her. Then we met Maurice (3) ________ strategies works like magic wand (4) ________ help Nova start reading.


  1. could / shall / can / will
  2. were / are / is / was
  3. who / that / which / whose
  4. for / to / in / at


  1. can
  2. was
  3. whose
  4. to

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

Now the police (1) ________ evidence against Mr. Mathew. The miscreant (2) ________ sleepless nights to the police force. Mr. Mathew was caught (3) ________ the most unexpected of his hideouts. What left the police confounded was that Mr. Mathew (4) ________ manage to play the gratuitous double of the slain policeman for three months.


  1. has / had / have / are having
  2. had given / gave / gives / has given
  3. at / from / inside / in
  4. might / should / would / could


  1. have
  2. had given
  3. in
  4. could

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

We could see (1) ________ small hut across the bridge. A group of men (2) ________ huddling near the hut. We looked at them as if we (3) ________ human forms before. We found (4) ________ running towards the hut as if we had not been desperately running for life over the last three days.


  1. some / the / a / an
  2. were / are / is / was
  3. had not seen / have not seen / were not seeing / has not seen
  4. us / ourselves / our / themselves


  1. a
  2. were
  3. had not seen
  4. ourselves

Q. Read the sentences given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

The whole human civilisation is (1) ________ but the fattest story book with unlimited pages. This book has the life story of (2) ________ man who has walked the face of this earth. It starts from nowhere and ends at nowhere (3) ________ as long as the human civilisation flourishses, pages after pages (4) ________ be added to this book.


  1. nothing / something / everything/ anything
  2. some / few / every / all
  3. with / over / since / for
  4. should / will / may / must


  1. nothing
  2. every
  3. for
  4. will

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

Kamal was scared. Kally no more remembered (1) ________ he (2) ________ his admit card. (3) ________ the passage of each hour, he was going closer to the time of his examination. He (4) ________ find his admit card as life may not give him another chance to prove himself.


  1. what / when / where / how
  2. kept / had kept / was keeping / has kept
  3. With / By / Over / On
  4. should / Can / may / must


  1. where
  2. had kept
  3. With
  4. must

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

Writing (1) ________ always been the medium of expression for those (2) ________ are shy and nervous. But, today, writing is more than that. It is one of the most important (3) ________ to judge the academic merit of a learner. No wonder, every learner has set his or her mind (4) ________ becoming a great ‘writer’.


  1. had / is / has / have
  2. which / who / that / whoever
  3. parameters / parameter / none of the above / both (1) and (2)
  4. at / in / on / with


  1. has
  2. who
  3. parameters
  4. on

Q. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow:

Choosing a not-so-popular destination (1) ________ gradually gaining currency (2) ________ the new-age travellers (3) ________ they want to experience the calm serene ambiance of (4) ________ gateways.


  1. was / is / are / were
  2. with / by / of / among
  3. but / so / as / because
  4. this / those / that / these


  1. is
  2. among
  3. as
  4. these

Q. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words from the given Answer:

Indian cuisines are known worldwide particularly for (1) ________ hot spicy curries involving (2) ________ excessive use of chilies and aromatic spices, enough to stimulate one’s lost appetite. While cooking (3) ________ authentic Indian recipe, one has to stick to traditional Indian spice mixtures or even better, single spices that are available in (4) ________ India.


  1. a / the / but / an
  2. a / at / an / the
  3. an / the / a / for (
  4. a / an / the / No use


  1. the
  2. the
  3. an
  4. No use

Q. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words from the given Options:

When India got Independence from the British, most things associated with (1) ________ British were done away with, but some of (2) ________ pretty letter-boxes managed to survive. These letter-boxes have (3) ________ nostalgic aura about them. Some are over 150 years old. Now they all bear the logo of (4) ________ Indian Postal Services.


  1. and / an / a / the
  2. an / the / but / an
  3. a / an / the / nor
  4. a / an / the / and


  1. the
  2. the
  3. a
  4. the

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

Throughout the greater part (1) ________ Bertrand Russell’s childhood, (2) ________ most important hours of his days were those (3) ________…. he spent alone in the garden full of different kinds (4) ________ flowers.


  1. of / to / off / from
  2. in / the / these / this
  3. which / when / his / that
  4. of / on / in / for


  1. of
  2. the
  3. that
  4. of

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

If the officer (1) ________ the bribe, he (2) ________ arrested. Now his family will also (3) ________ suffer. He must (4) ________ careful about it.


  1. would not have taken / has not taken / did not take / had not taken
  2. wouldn’t have been / is not / will not be / wouldn’t be
  3. had to / get to / is to / have to
  4. has been / have been / will have been / had been


  1. had not taken
  2. wouldn’t have been
  3. have to
  4. have been

Q. Complete the passage given below by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

A few days later, Munshi Prem Chand resigned from (1) ________ job of inspector of schools (2) ____________ having worked in (3) ________________ department for 10 years. He was one of the (4) ______________ important story writers.


  1. its / the / a / his
  2. before / without / after / for
  3. his / is / their / the
  4. much / more / most / more over


  1. his
  2. after
  3. the
  4. most

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

Los Angeles’ architect, Frank Gehry is well known (1) ________ his striking and inventive creations. For Bilbao, he had designed a truly iconic building that now (2) ________ the city on postcards (3) ________ photographs around the world. He was (4) ____________ extraordinary architect.


  1. about / on / because / for
  2. represents / represent / represented / representing
  3. on / and / with / from
  4. a / an / the / within


  1. for
  2. represents
  3. and
  4. an

Q. Complete the passage given below by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

The brain uses energy (1) ________ exercise willpower. When the blood sugar drops, your brain (2) ________ unable to concentrate, so a small nibble (3) ________ nudge the brain back into self control mode. Every one should (4) ____________ careful about it.


  1. at / in / to / with
  2. )was / is / are / were
  3. could / can’t / would / can
  4. be / been / have been / being


  1. to
  2. is
  3. can
  4. be

Q. Complete the passage given below by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones that follow.

Literature (1) ________________ help children become better citizens. It should equip (2) ________________ to struggle for (3) ________________ better world as literature is the mirror (4) ________________ life.


  1. would / could / must / should
  2. him / them / all / themselves
  3. a / the / an / much
  4. on / for / of / by


  1. should
  2. them
  3. a
  4. of

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

The Mahabharata (1)________________ a record of human beings (2) ________________ their human weaknesses. The Ramayana, on the other hand, is the praise of (3) ________________ ideal man which belongs (4) ________________ Lord Rama.


  1. is / are / was / were
  2. for / with / about / and
  3. a / an / every / any
  4. to / of / for / on


  1. is
  2. and
  3. an
  4. to

Q. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words from the given Options:

Sir Winston Churchill was a British statesman, painter and writer who some have labelled as (1) _______________ greatest man ever to speak English language. But many call him the greatest English man (2) ________________ the present century. While in India, he taught himself (3) _______________ write good prose and he developed a grand masterly style which captured the greatness (4) ________________ his times.


  1. an / the / a / nor
  2. and / of / but / nor
  3. and / on / but / to
  4. on / to / of / for


  1. the
  2. of
  3. to
  4. of

Q. Read the passage given below and fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate words from the given Options:

The greatest advantage (1) ________________ early rising is the good start it gives us in our day’s work. The early riser has done a large amount of hard work (2) ________________ other men have got out of their bed. In the early morning, the mind is fresh and (3) ________________ are few sounds or other distractions, so that work done (4) _______________ that time is generally well done.


  1. and / of / but / from
  2. at / or / upon / before
  3. there / this / that / those
  4. at / for / from / on


  1. of
  2. before
  3. there
  4. at

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

My friend Prakash, his brother and I decided to go (1) ________ a trek to the Himalayas. None of us had any experience, but Prakash was acquainted with the do’s and don’ts (2) ________ such an expedition. In the few days left for preparation, we (3) ________ books available (4) ________ the subject.


  1. on / in / for / to
  2. as / of / from / with
  3. read / reading / reads / red
  4. in / on / at / from


  1. on
  2. of
  3. read
  4. on

Q. Fill in the blanks in the following piece of conversation choosing the appropriate words from the given options.

Dhruv: Let us go to movie, Madhav.
Madhav: I am sorry. I (1) ________ not. I (2) ________ reach home immediately.
Dhruv: But why (3) ________ you be in such a hurry?
Madhav: My mother is ill. I (4) ________ take her to the doctor. She can not go alone.


  1. can / shall / may / need
  2. shall / must / need / many
  3. might / could / should / would
  4. would / shall / might / must


  1. can
  2. must
  3. would
  4. must

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

David P. Abbot was a US magician who (1) ________ the basis of ball trick back in 1907. He (2) ________ to make a golden ball float around his parlour. Abbot (3) ________ absent mindedly leave the ball on a bookshelf. Guests would sneak over the left ball and (4) ________ it was much heavier than a thread could support.


  1. invent / was invented / invented / has invented
  2. used / use / had / has
  3. will / would / could / may
  4. finds / found / find / have found


  1. invented
  2. used
  3. would
  4. found

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

There are different facets (1) ________ being a writer in (2) ________ world made of border crossers of various kinds. One is part of (3) ________ diaspora, but the homeland is never too far away (4) ________ one’s writing.


  1. for / in / to / of
  2. a / an / the / this
  3. the / this / his / a
  4. on / in / with / for


  1. of
  2. the
  3. the
  4. in

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

While we (1) ________ in Delhi, we stayed at (2) ________ Plaza Inn, near Priya Cinema. We (3) _______ Chandni Chowk, Appu Ghar, Mughal Gardens (4) _______ Nirulas.


  1. was / are / is / were
  2. the / an / a / some
  3. visit / visited / visits / visiting
  4. and / with / or / for


  1. were
  2. the
  3. visited
  4. and

Q. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully.

Venice (1) ________ the most beautiful city in Italy. It was founded over 1500 years ago (2) ________ the early settlers here. It is different from (3) ________ other cities in the world. It is built (4) ________ water. Boats are the only method of transportation here.


  1. are / is / be / was
  2. from / to / by / for
  3. any / many / every / each
  4. over / off / away / on


  1. is
  2. by
  3. any
  4. on

Q. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully.

The third phase (1)________ metro in Delhi has begun. It (2)________ be completed in 2015. In (3)__________ phase, the metro will cover almost the whole city. There will be diversion on (4)________ roads due to construction there. This difficult phase will be a boon in future for the citizen.


  1. for / of / from / about
  2. would / could / shall / will
  3. that / this / these / those
  4. many / any / more / less


  1. of
  2. will
  3. this
  4. many

Q. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully.

Delhi (1)________ become the crime capital of the country. Cases of robbery and chain snatching are increasing day (2)________ day. The criminals it seems (3) _______ not afraid of the police. Robberies (4)________ broad day lights are very common these days. The citizens do not feel safe in the city.


  1. have / had / has / having
  2. in / by / from / about
  3. is / are / was / be
  4. in / into / up / upon


  1. has
  2. by
  3. are
  4. in.

Q. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully.

Jean could not get (1) ________ job as nobody would trust (2) ________ Consequently his life (3) _________ a hell. A Bishop was moved (4) ________ seeing his pitiable condition. The Bishop let him into his house and asked him the reason of his being so dejected.


  1. some / many / much / any
  2. his / he / him / himself
  3. became / becomes / become / has become
  4. at / on / in / by


  1. any
  2. him
  3. became
  4. on

Q. In the passage given below, some words are missing. Choose the correct words from the given options to complete the passage meaningfully.

Water is (1) ________ of the essential and natural commodities that (2) _________ not lost its significance with the passage (3) _________ time. No doubt, a day without water (4) __________ life nothing short of a real hell.


  1. some / none / once / one
  2. had / have / has / having
  3. of / off / over / in
  4. made / making / makes / has made


  1. one
  2. has
  3. of
  4. makes

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