Gap Filling Exercises for Class 8

Gap Filling Exercises with Answers

Q. Fill in the blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below:

Some people feel that (1) ________________ best way to take a vacation is to go (2) ________________ a cruise. There is a lot one can do while (3) ________________ across the sea. Besides the beautiful sights, the outdoor games (4) ________________ the variety of cuisines that make the cruise a memorable experience, there is always something (5) ________________ everyone to do. Going on a cruise (6) ________________ an expensive affair, but some holiday-makers are convinced that (7) ________________ is worth (8) ________________ money spent.


  1. a/an/the/some
  2. on/in/at/into
  3. sailing/sailed/sail/sails
  4. but/only/and/also
  5. from/with/to/for
  6. were/are/is/be
  7. they/it/them/its
  8. a/the/some/an


  1. the
  2. on
  3. sailing
  4. and
  5. for
  6. is
  7. it
  8. the

Q. Complete the passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below:

He (1) ________________ the session with a prayer, prolonging it (2) ________________ the others join and the valley (3) ________________ with the chants, (4) ________________ the cry of the jackals. Time was when he (5) ________________ his stories to the accompaniment of musical instruments, but now he (6) ________________ only on himself. The films (7) ________________ all the fiddlers and singers, who (8) ________________ no time now-a-days to stand at the back of an old story teller and fill his pauses with music.


  1. begins/began/has begun/is beginning
  2. unless/until/till/until
  3. echoed/was echoing/echoes/is echoing
  4. drowned/were drowned/are drowning/drowning
  5. has narrated/narrated/had narrated/was narrating
  6. depends/depended/has depended/was depending
  7. took away/have taken away/are taking away/took
  8. are having/have/had/has


  1. begins
  2. until
  3. echoes
  4. drowning
  5. narrated
  6. depends
  7. have taken away
  8. have

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below:

The larvae of a species of fly (1) ________________ the Waitomo caves of New Zealand famous. The larvae cling to the roof and let down sticky strands (2) ________________ glow in the dark. Tiny insects attracted by the light, come (3) ________________ the threads. The larvae haul up the strands and eat the insects. Each larva may let (4) ________________ as many as seventy strands. This makes the caves glow with an eerie light.


  1. has made/made/have made/has been made
  2. who/they/which/what
  3. investigate/to investigate/investigates/investigating
  4. up/check/down/away


  1. have made
  2. which
  3. to investigate
  4. down

Q. Complete the following passage by choosing the correct options:

Confucius laid great stress (1) ________________ good character. He preached (2) ________________ people should respect (3) ________________ parents. He held a prominent place (4) ________________ philosophers and religious reformers. The syllabus (5) ________________his teaching was a wide one which (7) ________________ morals, family duties, social reforms and personal relationship. He knew (7) ________________ languages and arts. He has written about his experiences in life in a book (8) ________________ Chin Chinking.


  1. on/at/into/upon
  2. because/since/that/which
  3. his/our/their/your
  4. in/within/amidst/amongst
  5. of/on/from/for
  6. included/include/including/includes
  7. many/more/much/most
  8. title/titled/titles/titling


  1. on
  2. that
  3. their
  4. amongst
  5. included
  6. many
  7. titled

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