Indefinite Pronouns – Exercises

An indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that refers to non-specific beings, objects, or places. The words none, all, some, several both, many, few, each, either, neither, anyone, everyone, someone, everybody, nobody, are usually used as indefinite pronouns.

Indefinite Pronouns Exercises

Q. Fill in the blanks with suitable indefinite Pronouns:

  1. I pressed the call bell several times but _________________ answered.
  2. You look tired and hungry. Would you have _________________ to eat?
  3. If there is _________________ you want, please let me know.
  4. _________________ saw him entering the minister’s house.
  5. These facts are known to _________________. There is nothing secret at all.


  1. nobody
  2. something
  3. anything
  4. Everybody
  5. everyone

Q. Fill in the blanks with suitable indefinite Pronouns:

  1. I don’t think _________________ has the courage to act against her wishes.
  2. Could _________________ of you accompany me to the market?
  3. _________________ could have answered these questions. They are so easy.
  4. _________________ wanted to say _________________ openly.
  5. All the doors were closed. So I heard absolutely _________________.


  1. anybody
  2. both
  3. anyone
  4. nobody, anything
  5. nothing

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