May or Might – Exercises

May or Might Exercises

Q. Fill in the blanks with ‘may’ or ‘might’:

  1. ________________ you be happy!
  2. You ________________ try once again.
  3. ________________ I go to the fair?
  4. ________________ I go with you?
  5. He ________________ be here today.
  6. She ________________ be at home today.
  7. ________________ I make a suggestion?
  8. He ________________ not come tomorrow?
  9. She ________________ come any moment.
  10. He ________________ have been a doctor.


  1. May
  2. might
  3. May
  4. May
  5. may
  6. might
  7. May
  8. may
  9. may
  10. might

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