Subject-Verb Agreement – Exercises for Class 8

The verb must agree with the subject in person and number.


Q. Write the correct words in the blanks.

  1. Hindi as well as English ____________ taught to us. (was, were)
  2. The terrorist with his gang ____________ escaped. (has, have)
  3. The beggar’s trousers ____________ torn. (is, are)
  4. A pair of shoes ____________ still lying unclaimed in front of the prayer hall. (is, are)
  5. None of the pastries ____________ to be fresh. (appear, appears)
  6. The sound of the bells ____________ heard all over the temple. (was, were)


  1. was
  2. has
  3. are
  4. is
  5. appears
  6. was

Q. Correct the following statements.

  1. No news are good news.
  2. Neither of them were found guilty.
  3. The rainy season have set in.
  4. The workers has called off the strike.
  5. Grandmother’s walking stick are broken.


  1. No news is good news.
  2. Neither of them was found guilty.
  3. The rainy season has set in.
  4. The workers have called off the strike.
  5. Grandmother’s walking stick is broken.

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