Taro’s Reward – NCERT Solutions

Q. Why did Taro run in the direction of the stream?

Ans. Taro ran in the direction of the stream because he was thirsty. Secondly, he had never before heard the sound of falling water in that area.

Q. How did Taro’s father show his happiness after drinking sake?

Ans. Sake gave warmth as well as energy to the old man. Taro’s father stopped shivering and started dancing. In this way, he showed his happiness.

Q. Why did the waterfall give Taro sake and others water?

Ans. The waterfall obliged Taro and changed water into sake. The reason was that he was a thoughtful son. He served his old parents sincerely. Sake was the reward for his goodness. Other people were just greedy. So they got only plain water.

Q. Why did the villagers want to drown Taro?

Ans. The villagers went to the waterfall to collect sake. But they got only plain cold water. They thought that Taro had tricked them. So they looked for Taro to punish him.

Q. Why did the Emperor reward Taro?

Ans. The Emperor of Japan rewarded Taro for being good and kind towards his parents. This was Emperor’s way to encourage all children to respect, obey and serve their parents.

Q. Strike off the words in the box below that are not suitable. Taro wanted to give his old parents everything they needed. This shows that he was….

thoughtful, hardworking, loving, honest, considerate, trustworthy, efficient, kind

Ans. honest, trustworthy, efficient

Q. “This made Taro sadder than ever.” ‘This’ refers to

  1. a strong wind that began to blow.
  2. Taro’s father’s old age.
  3. Taro’s inability to buy expensive sake for his father.

Ans. Taro’s inability to buy expensive sake for his father.

Q. “This, said the emperor was to encourage all children to honour and obey their parents.” ‘This’ refers to

  1. the most beautiful fountain in the city.
  2. rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.
  3. sending for Taro to hear his story.

Ans. rewarding Taro with gold and giving the fountain his name.

Q. Arrange the words below in pairs that rhyme.

young, sad, money, chop, lung, last, wax, could, bad, sound, axe, wood, way, stop, sunny, fast, round, day


  • sad – bad
  • could – wood
  • chop – stop
  • sound – round
  • last – fast
  • way – day
  • wax – axe

Q. Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

lonely, little, hard, young, thoughtful, delicious, beautiful

A ___________ woodcutter lived on a _________ hillside. He was a _________ son who worked _______ but earned _____________ money. One day he saw a ____________ waterfall hidden behind a rock. He tasted the water and found it ______________ .

Ans. A young woodcutter lived on a lonely hillside. He was a thoughtful son who worked hard but earned little money. One day he saw a little waterfall hidden behind a rock. He tasted the water and found it delicious.

Q. Find these sentences in the story and fill in the blanks.

  1. This made Taro _____________ than ever.
  2. He decided to work ____________ than before.
  3. Next morning Taro jumped out of bed ______________ than usual.
  4. He began to chop even ________________.
  5. Next morning, Taro started for work even ________________ than the morning before.


  1. sadder
  2. harder
  3. earlier
  4. faster
  5. earlier

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