
The Wonder Called Sleep – Summary

Short Summary

Our body and brain recover from fatigue after a good sleep. We dream while sleeping, but we do not always remember our dreams. During sleep, our heartbeat becomes slower and our temperature and blood pressure go down. A dream is an activity of the mind when we are asleep. Dreams help us sleep through noise and other disturbances. Dreams may reveal something about one’s problems, but they cannot tell the future.


What is sleep? Sleep is actually a state of rest. Our body and brain recovers from the fatigue of the activities of the day. While we are in deep sleep, our muscles relax, our heartbeat becomes slow and our temperature and blood pressure also goes down.

We also dream when we are sleeping. A dream is an activity of the mind during sleep. Some dreams are believable, some are not. Dreams sometimes reveal about one’s problems, but they cannot predict the future. At times we do not even remember our dreams.

Sleep is the most wonderful and powerful way of regaining our vigour and vitality and freshness, but we really do not know about its power. Poets have written that sleep is like a deep forest in which one gets lost. One can not stay away from sleep for long.

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