Category: Class 7 English – NCERT Solutions

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • An Alien Hand – NCERT Solutions

    Q. How does Tilloo manage to find his way to the ‘forbidden passage’? Ans. One day Tilloo’s daddy was asleep. The boy picked up daddy’s I-card. Then he walked towards the forbidden secret passage. The card helped him open the door and enter the passage. Q. What did Tilloo hope to see once he emerged…

  • I Want Something in a Cage – NCERT Solutions

    Q. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following statements. Mr Purcell sold birds, cats, dogs and monkeys. He was very concerned about the well-being of the birds and animals in his shop. He was impressed by the customer who bought the two doves. He was a successful shop owner, though insensitive and cold…

  • The Cop and the Anthem – NCERT Solutions

    Q. What are some of the signs of approaching winter referred to in the text? Ans. The signs of the approaching winter are the movement of birds to warm south, the woollens needed by people and the dead leaves covering the ground. Q. Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ against each of the following: Soapy did not…

  • Golu Grows a Nose – NCERT Solutions

    Q. Whom does Golu ask, “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?” Ans. Golu asks the ostrich why it doesn’t fly like other birds. Q. Which uncle of Golu had red eyes? Ans. Golu’s huge uncle hippopotamus had red eyes. Q. Golu’s relatives did not answer his questions because they were shy. the questions…

  • The Bear Story – NCERT Solutions

    Q. Where did the lady find the bear cub? How did she bring it up? Ans. The lady found the bear cub in the forest near her house. She fed him with bottle milk. Her cook helped her in this task. Q. The bear grew up but “he was a most amiable bear”. Give three…

  • A Tiger in the House – NCERT Solutions

    Q. “He had the distinction of being the only member of the party to have bagged any game…” The phrase in italics means Grandfather was the most distinguished member of the party. Grandfather was the only sportsperson in the party. Grandfather was the only successful member of the hunting party. Mark the right answer. Ans.…

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