Category: Class 9 English – NCERT Solutions

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • John Keats as a Romantic Poet

    Mother says that when I start talking I never know when to stop. But I tell her the only time I get a chance is when she ain’t around, so I have to make the most of it. I guess the fact is neither one of us would be welcome in a Quaker meeting, but…

  • The Beggar – NCERT Solutions

    Q. Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice? Ans. Lushkoff was a middle-aged man and belonged to the Russian choir. He was not a born beggar. He was sacked from the choir because of his drinking habits. He became a beggar by choice as he did not like to work hard at…

  • The Accidental Tourist – NCERT Solutions

    Q. Bill Bryson says, “I am, in short, easily confused.” What examples has he given to justify this? Ans. Bill Bryson never had a pleasant journey. He got easily confused. Citing examples, he said that he could not easily find lavatory in a cinema hall and finally found himself standing nearby a self-locking door. At…

  • The Last Leaf – NCERT Solutions

    Q. What is Johnsy’s illness? What can cure her, the medicine or the willingness to live? Ans. Johnsy, a young artist, was ill. She was suffering from Pneumonia. But later on she suffered from a misconception that she would die as soon as the last leaf on the creeper fell. The medicine had no effect…

  • A House is Not a Home – NCERT Solutions

    Q. What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do? Ans. The author, while doing his homework noticed the smoke pouring in through the seams of the ceiling. The room was filled with the smoke very quickly. They all ran outside to save their life. His mother…

  • The Lost Child – NCERT Solutions

    Q. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind? Ans. On his way to the fair the child sees toys, balloons of different colours, garland of gulmohur, a swing and a snakecharmer playing a flute. He gets attracted towards all these things. So, he lags…

  • A Legend of the Northland – NCERT Solutions

    Q. Which country or countries do you think ‘‘the Northland’’ refers to? Ans. It is a country in the north where days are short and nights are long. Q. What did Saint Peter ask the old lady for? What was the lady’s reaction? Ans. Saint Peter asked the old lady for alms. The lady behaved…

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