Gender of Nouns – Exercises for Class 4

  • A noun that stands for a male living being is called the masculine gender.
  • A noun that stands for a female living being is called the feminine gender.
  • A noun that stands for a non-living thing is called the neuter gender.
  • A noun that stands for either a male or a female is called the common gender.


Q. Underline the nouns in the following sentences and write whether they are of masculine, feminine, neuter, or common gender.

  1. George is a good boy.
  2. My sister is a doctor.
  3. The pen belongs to Emma.
  4. All the boys were ready to help the old man.


  1. George is a good boy.
    Masculine: George, boy
  2. My sister is a doctor.
    Feminine: sister; Common: doctor
  3. The pen belongs to Emma.
    Neuter: Pen; Feminine: Emma
  4. All the boys were ready to help the old man.
    Masculine: boys, man

Q. Fill in the blanks with the opposite gender of words in bold.

  1. The girl gave her lunch to the poor ________.
  2. My elder sister looked after my younger ________.
  3. My uncle presented a ring to my ________.
  4. “________ and gentleman“, he announced.


  1. boy
  2. brother
  3. aunt
  4. Ladies

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