Paragraph on Reopening of Educational Institutions

A group of enterprising young adults conducted a survey on reopening of educational institutions in the National Capital. Write a paragraph in about 120 words analysing the listed responses.

A group of enterprising young adults conducted a survey on reopening of educational institution in the national Capital. The pie-chart shows what their opinions about reopening of the educational institutes are. As it is clear from the pie-chart, a little over one-fourth (28%) of the people favour to reopen the school but after getting vaccination, while approximately one fourth (24%) are of the opinion of reopening of the schools only for exams and practical work. As much as 20% wants to keep it postponed till the active corona cases gets reduces to 0.3%. There are 15% people who are in the favour of reopening the school for classes 9th to 12th as the students need to prepare for board exams. A very less number of responses i.e., only 8% people have advocated of reopening the schools for all classes while as little as 5% people have responded in ‘can’t say’.

Thus, it can be concluded that, majority of people are in the favour of reopening of the school but after taking precautionary measures. People don’t want studies to be hampered anymore and schools should be reopened for all the students.

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