Question Words (Who, What, Where, Which, When) – Exercises for Class 2

Who, What, Where, Which, When are question words. We use them to ask questions.

Q. Choose the correct question words given in the brackets.

  1. (Who/When) is you class teacher?
  2. (When/What) did you eat your food?
  3. (Where/What) did you leave your bag?
  4. (Who/What) is Mr Bear’s favourite food?
  5. (Where/Who) taught you this lesson?


  1. Who is you class teacher?
  2. When did you eat your food?
  3. Where did you leave your bag?
  4. What is Mr Bear’s favourite food?
  5. Who taught you this lesson?

Q. Fill in the blanks with Who, What, Where, Which or When to complete the questions.

  1. __________ is your name?
  2. __________ is your bag?
  3. __________ did you do today?
  4. __________will Mr Lion cut cake, today or tomorrow?
  5. __________ is Miss Cucktoo?
  6. __________ dress will you buy?


  1. What is your name?
  2. Where is your bag?
  3. What did you do today?
  4. When will Mr Lion cut cake, today or tomorrow?
  5. Who is Miss Cucktoo?
  6. Which dress will you buy?

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