Category: Grammar

  • 50+ Proverbs in English with Meanings and Example Sentences

    Grammar Download PDFDownload ePubDownload mobi A proverb is a short, simple, concrete, pithy saying that expresses a general truth or piece of advice. Proverbs can be used in any circumstance, to give others advice or enlighten them about the situation they are in. Here’s a list of the most common proverbs in English for students…

  • 50+ English Idioms with Meanings and Example Sentences

    Grammar Download PDFDownload ePubDownload mobi An idiom is a group of words which have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings from those of the individual words. Therefore, Idioms should not be taken literally. Idioms won’t make any sense unless you have learned about them before. Here’s a list of the most commonly…

  • What is an Adverb of Place?

    Adverb of place is a word or group of words that show where an action takes place. It satisfies the question, ‘where‘. Examples: My little sister followed me everywhere. The horse galloped away with its rider. Birds lay eggs in nests. The magician performed on the stage. Place the ladder against the wall. In the…

  • 55 Phrasal Verbs with Meanings and Examples

    Many verbs, when followed by various prepositions or adverbs or both, acquire a peculiar sense which bears no relation with the meaning of either the verb or the other word(s) used with it. Such a group of words which functions as a verb, and is made up of a verb followed by a preposition, an…

  • What is Verb Tense?

    The form of verb that tells us about the time or state of an action and whether or not the action is complete is called the Tense of the verb. There are three main tenses: The Present Tense The Past Tense The Future Tense Each of the three main tenses is further divided into four…

  • What is a Material Noun?

    A material noun is a noun that names a substance or a material from which things are made. Example: flour, cement, iron, steel, wood, etc. This chair is made of wood. There are no plural forms of material nouns. However, if they are used in plural form, their meaning is changed.

  • What is a Declarative Sentence?

    A declarative or assertive sentence express assertions or statements. They end with a full stop (.). They can be further divided into two categories: Negative and Affirmative. Examples: Our team has won many tournaments. The accused did not tell the truth. She draws beautiful pictures. The postman has not delivered the post. Not all the…

  • 50 Modal Verb Examples in Sentences

    Modals are a sub-category of auxiliaries or helping verbs that express the speaker’s point of view on the mode of behaviour of the doer of an action. The auxiliaries (shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, used to, need and dare) that behave in the above-mentioned manner are called modals. They…

  • What is a Predicate?

    All that is said about the subject in a sentence is called the Predicate. A Predicate can be a word or a group of words. Examples: The children had a hearty laugh. The headmaster did not sign my application. Where is your new bicycle? The flood killed thousands in New York. All the roses have…

  • What is Degree of Comparison?

    Degrees of Comparison pertain to the extent (in correlation) of a particular quality existing in the nouns which are being compared. In the above definition, ‘quality’ refers to any qualitative adjective, that can exist in three different measures or levels in nouns. These three degrees make the nouns possessing the same quality, or being qualified…

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