Debate on Government Has Banned Animal Dissection in Laboratories

The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate in 150 – 200 words either for or against this decision.

For the Motion

Respected Principal, Members of the Jury and my worthy opponents. Good morning to you all.

Today I, Neetu stand before you to speak for the motion ‘Ban Animal Dissection’.

The dissection of animals inside science labs encourages cruelty towards animals. Animal dissection is an unethical practice because many of these animals are captured from their natural surroundings and treated unjustly.

Animals are sold to schools from pet stores and, at times, as by-products from meat industries. They are shipped in small and crowded containers, which are not properly ventilated.

Like humans, animals too have the right to live a respectful life. However, animal dissection is just one way of snatching away that right. It also inculcates in students the wrong idea that animals lives don’t matter, that they are disposable. The question worth asking is, is animal dissection really that necessary, unless a student chooses to pursue career in that field? If at all, he or she does, the student would get the opportunity to practise dissection on human cadavers at the University.

I would like to conclude by saying, it is the age of technology and education is becoming virtual. So why not opt for virtual dissection instead of actual dissection? It is not only educative and interactive, it is also economical and saves the of precious lives of many animals.

Thank you

Against the Motion

Good morning everyone, Today I am going to express my views against the motion “Banning the use of animals for dissection”.

Dissection of animals in the school laboratories provides a practical experience for the theoretical knowledge that students gain from books. They procure an opportunity to actually put their learning into practice. It should not be looked at as unjust practice because such an activity is meant to develop the student’s knowledge of the elements and functions of the living being.

The dissection of animals has a scientific purpose; it is a mode of hands-on education for students such that they learn outside of the pages of the textbook and actually look at what they are being taught. We should give more credit to the sensitivity and intelligence of our students, so as not to believe that a dissection class will make them more prone to animal violence. Students should be taught the value of animal life by making them understand how an animal has the same kind of organs as human beings that perform similar functions. The governing philosophy behind teaching students to dissect animals should be that life, whether human or animal, is the same; each living being is tied to each other by their inner similarity.

Thus, a ban on dissection of animals in school laboratories would not be the best course of action. I hope my views on this topic were substantial enough to throw light on this topic.

Thank you.

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