Question Tags – Exercises

Question Tags Exercises with Answers

Q. Supply the question tags for the following:

  1. The teacher is coming today _________________?
  2. We are going out today _________________?
  3. You do know how to drive _________________?
  4. We have met before _________________?
  5. She doesn’t know how to dance _______________?
  6. Ram hasn’t finished all the ice cream ________________?
  7. She does come here every Saturday ___________________?
  8. We haven’t seen her today __________________?
  9. We shouldn’t be going this way __________________?
  10. They are all going for a picnic __________________?



  1. isn’t she?
  2. aren’ t we?
  3. don’t you?
  4. haven’t we?
  5. does she?
  6. has he?
  7. doesn’ t she?
  8. have we?
  9. should we?
  10. aren’t they?

Q. Complete the followings by using suitable tags:

  1. He isn’t going to do it, _________ ?
  2. You enjoyed that, ______?
  3. He doesn’t write very well, ________?
  4. We love it, ________?
  5. It doesn’t work, ________?
  6. They don’t live in Liverpool, ________?
  7. She works in sales, ________?
  8. It looks perfect there, ________?
  9. We went there last year, ________?
  10. I don’t know him, ________?


  1. is he
  2. didn’t you
  3. does he
  4. don’t we
  5. does it
  6. do they
  7. doesn’t she
  8. doesn’t it
  9. didn’t we
  10. do I

Q. Choose the correct options from the questions given below

  1. Do as I say, __________ ?
    1. didn’t you
    2. won’t you
    3. needn’t you
    4. shan’t you
  2. Now you can make question tags , __________ ?
    1. can you
    2. won’t you
    3. can’t you
    4. will you
  3. I am working hard on this book , __________ ?
    1. don’t I
    2. won’t I
    3. aren’t I
    4. can’t I
  4. He was asleep, __________ ?
    1. was he
    2. wasn’t he
    3. didn’t he
    4. did he
  5. Let us start now, __________ ?
    1. shall we
    2. should we
    3. could we
    4. would we


  1. (2) won’t you
  2. (3) will you
  3. (3) can’t I
  4. (2) wasn’t he
  5. (1) shall we

Q. Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences:

  1. She had not taken the necessary precautions.
  2. Selfish people do not make good friends. 3. Take good care of your old parents.
  3. Let us make every effort to keep them happy.
  4. Mrs. Verma did not give any satisfactory explanation.
  5. It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow.
  6. Water is scarce. Don’t waste even a single drop of water.
  7. In this respect, I am absolutely fair.
  8. These bills won’t take long to check.
  9. Intelligence without hard work is useless.


  1. She had not taken the necessary precautions. Had she?
  2. Selfish people do not make good friends. Do they?
  3. Take good care of you old parents. Won’t you?
  4. Let us make every effort to keep them happy. Shall we?
  5. Mrs. Verma did not give any satisfactory explanation. Did she?
  6. It takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow. Isn’t it?
  7. Water is scarce. Don’t waste even a single drop of water. Should we?
  8. In this respect, I am absolutely fair. Aren’t I?
  9. These bills won’t take long to check. Will they?
  10. Intelligence without hard work is useless. Isn’t it?

Q. Complete the following sentences by using the correct questions tags:

  1. He doesn’t want to go to college today, _______?
  2. Let’s pray to God, _______?
  3. You had met me before, _______?
  4. We couldn’t enjoy the picnic, _______?
  5. He is a rude man, _______?
  6. Everybody was watching the TV, _______?
  7. Mrs. Angelina is a good lady, _______?
  8. Something must be done for us, _______?
  9. Someone might come, _______?
  10. He needs money, _______?


  1. does he
  2. shall we
  3. hadn’t you
  4. could we
  5. isn’t he
  6. weren’t they
  7. isn’t she
  8. mustn’t it
  9. mightn’t they
  10. doesn’t he

Q. Complete the following sentences by using the correct question tags:

  1. Everybody was watching the football match on TV, _________?
  2. He is a very wise man, _________?
  3. Mrs Olivia is a good teacher, _________?
  4. We saw a rainbow in the sky yesterday, _________?
  5. Natalie is a beautiful girl, _________?
  6. You should not smoke, _________?
  7. Miss Selena does not play tennis, _________?
  8. I am older than you, _________?
  9. You always have your lunch at 1 o’clock, _________?
  10. I can do it for you, _________?


  1. weren’t they
  2. isn’t he
  3. isn’t she
  4. didn’t we
  5. isn’t she
  6. should you
  7. does she
  8. aren’t I
  9. don’t you
  10. can’t I

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