Category: Confusing Words

  • Teaching vs Training

    Teaching Teaching is the process of development and modification of human tendencies and abilities. Its scope is large, it can be formal, informal and non-formal. It is a rational and logical process. Human perspective and thinking are more powerful in teaching. Teaching is a life-long process. There is a greater possibility of ideologies or ‘knowledge…

  • Education vs Schooling

    Education Its nature is broad. It is not always associated with the attainment of certain objectives. It is derived from life-long experiences. Its content, teacher, teaching method etc. is not fixed. All human beings get it by some form or means. Schooling Its nature is limited. In this all the work is done for the…

  • Education vs Indoctrination

    Education Its main purpose is to create intelligent human beings. It emphasizes the creation of ideas. It helps in increasing the power of human thinking and reasoning. In this, mutual dialogue and critical thinking between the teacher and the learner is given place. Indoctrination Its main purpose is to create such human beings who accept…

  • Summarizing vs Paraphrasing

    Summarising and paraphrasing are very useful skills because they allow us to use the work of authors whom we wish to cite, while using our own words. In other words, we are not merely doing a copy paste of the works of other writers. Summarising Summarizing can be easily defined as process by which the…

  • Environmental Science vs Environmental Studies

    Environmental Science strictly deals with the scientific aspects of the environment, its complex problems and the tangible solutions whereas Environmental Studies, in addition to the scientific aspects, also deals with the socio-economic, cultural, traditional, legislative and historical dimensions of the environment, its issues and challenges and tangible solutions in a holistic way. It studies the…

  • Pandemic vs Epidemic

    A number of communicable diseases can constitute significant threats at local, regional or global levels leading to epidemics or pandemics. Epidemic Epidemic refers to an increase, often sudden, in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in that population in that area. Examples of major epidemics include cholera, measles, malaria,…

  • Isolation vs Quarantine

    Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease. Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.…

  • Its vs It’s

    Unlike most possessives, its does not contain an apostrophe. The word it’s is instead a contraction of the words it is. The second i is removed, and replaced by an apostrophe. It’s means it is (e.g. it’s very hot in here); its means belonging to it, as in the dog chased its ball. When revising…

  • Idioms vs Proverbs

    We all use idioms and proverbs without actually knowing which one is which. It will be difficult to tell the difference between idioms and proverbs without understanding their meanings. Idioms An idiom is a phrase that has a meaning of its own that cannot be understood from the meanings of its individual words. The literal…

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